Home » Health Insurance Coverage Increased in Over Half of U.S. States in 2022
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Health Insurance Coverage Increased in Over Half of U.S. States in 2022

Twenty-seven states had a higher percentage of people with health insurance coverage in 2022 than in 2021 according to American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year estimates released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. In terms of uninsured rates, or the rate of people without health insurance, Maine was the only state where the uninsured rate increased (up to 6.6% in 2022, from 5.7%).

“The changes in uninsured rates are impacted by multiple factors including the demographic makeup of a population and the economy. In 2022, we saw the uninsured rate decrease with the driving force differing by state,” said David Waddington, chief of the Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics Division at the Census Bureau. “For seven of the states with lower uninsured rates in 2022, the difference was driven by increased private coverage. For 10 states, the uninsured rate decrease was related to increased public coverage. In three particular states —Missouri, New York, and Virginia — the decline in the uninsured rate was a result of increases in public coverage that outweighed decreases in private coverage.”

Source: CENSUS
